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라벨이 painting인 게시물 표시


강하넷 Painting Procedure (도장절차서) Doc. No. P811-8 Issued Date 2022.03.03 Rev. No. 0 Page 1 of 8   1. Scope  (적용범위) This procedure describes surface preparation and painting activities for products which are produced by KanghaNet Co., Ltd.. (이 절차서는 ㈜강하넷에서 생산하는 생산품의 표면전처리 및 도장작업에 대하여 설명한다.) 2. Code and Standard  (적용규격) The valve shall be supplied in strict accordance with the latest issue in effect (unless otherwise noted), at time of purchase order, code and standards, in addition the supplier shall comply with the Customer's specification. (제품은 별도의 명기가 없는 경우 발주서, 규격 및 표준에 따라 최신호에 명시된대로 공급되어야 하며, 공급업체는 고객의 사양을 준수 해야 한다.) 2.1 Steel Structure Painting Council (SSPC) 2.2 American Society of Testing and Material (ASTM) 2.3 General Requirement (Painting) 3. General Requirement  (일반사항) 3.1 The valve shall be coated in accordance with the painting specification. In case of conflict between the KanghaNet's painting procedure and owner's coating specification, the owner's coating ...