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Materials and Qualification Procedures for Ships

Materials and Qualification Procedures for Ships
Procedure 7-1
Approval of a Foundry for the Manufacture of Iron Castings
1 Introduction
1.1 Application for approval
1.1.1 In order that consideration may be given to approval of a foundry for the manufacture of iron
castings, the local Surveyors are to submit a report to Materials and NDE Department, giving
the information listed in Sections 2 and 3 and the results of approval tests carried out under
their survey.
1.1.2 The names of approved works will appear in LR's List of Approved Manufacturers of Iron
Castings which is published on the intranet.
1.1.3 Approved works will be subject to periodic inspection (see Procedure 1-1).
1.2 Scope
1.2.1 The procedure applies to the manufacture of general types of castings in flake (grey) or
spheroidal graphite (nodular) iron. The castings include valve bodies, cylinder liners, etc.
1.2.2 Additional tests are required for iron castings for crankshafts (see Procedure 7-2).
1.3 Related Rules
1.3.1 LR's Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships (hereinafter referred to as the
Rules for Ships).
1.3.2 LR's Rules for the Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials (hereinafter referred to
as the Rules for Materials).
Materials and NDE Book F MQPS 7-1
ABCD© Lloyd’s Register 2002. All rights reserved Rev. 1
2 Information required for approval
2.1 Product details
2.1.1 The manufacturer is to provide the following product related details:
(a) Name and address and brief
statement of background indicating
whether the works is new or long
(b) Types of castings and grades of
iron in general production.
(c) Mass (as dressed) of the largest
casting which can be made for each type of iron for which approval is
(d) Estimated total annual production of
finished castings.
(e) Types of castings and grades of
iron for which approval is required.
2.2 Details of facilities and procedures
2.2.1 The manufacturer is to provide the following details of their facilities and procedures:
(a) Number and type of cupolas and other
melting furnaces including maximum
capacity of each unit.
(b) Details of raw materials used in iron
(c) For spheroidal or nodular graphite
irons, details of the inoculation
practice, including the metal
temperature and maximum time
interval between inoculation and end
of pouring, and any control procedures
based on on-line metallographic
(d) Types of moulding materials used.
(e) Where applicable, details of
furnaces used for heat treatment
including dimensions, type of fuel used
and facilities for temperature
measurement and control.
(f) Facilities available for mechanical
Materials and NDE Book F MQPS 7-1
ABCD© Lloyd’s Register 2002. All rights reserved Rev. 1
testing, chemical analysis,
metallographic and non-destructive
examinations. This is to include
information regarding the name of the
manufacturer, type number or
description, serial number and
calibration status of all machines used
for tensile, impact and hardness
(g) Details of the system used for the
identification of castings and
associated test material at all stages
of manufacture.
(h) Details of the inspection and quality
control systems established in the
works. These are to include the name
and qualifications of the Quality
Manager and the number and
qualifications of staff employed on
inspection and quality control. The lines
of responsibility of the Quality Manager
and the Production Manager are to be
indicated, preferably in the form of an
organization chart showing the senior
management positions to whom they
Materials and NDE Book F MQPS 7-1
ABCD© Lloyd’s Register 2002. All rights reserved Rev. 1
3 Approval test programme
3.1 Selection of material
3.1.1 Approval tests are to be carried out on at least three castings, taken from current production
If approval is required for both flake and spheroidal cast irons, two castings of each material
type should be tested.These are to be from different charges and be reasonably
representative of the dimensions for which approval is requested.
3.1.2 A minimum of one casting shall be at least 75% of the maximum weight for which approval is
required unless this weight exceeds 50 tonnes.
3.1.3 The test samples are to be taken towards the end of the pouring of the castings.
3.2 Specific product approval information
3.2.1 For each casting selected for approval tests, the foundry is to provide the following
(a) Chemical composition of ladle samples.
(b) Sketch showing method of casting with
details of the gating and feeding
(c) Where applicable, details of heat
(d) Applicable specification.
Materials and NDE Book F MQPS 7-1
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4 Approval tests
4.1 Tests, test samples and specimens
4.1.1 The dimensions of separately cast test samples, dimensions of test specimens and
mechanical testing procedures are to be in accordance with Ch 2 and Ch 7 of the Rules for
4.1.2 The following tests and examinations are to be carried out on each casting submitted for
approval tests:
(a) Visual examination in the dressed and,
where applicable, machined condition.
(b) Where applicable, a hydraulic
pressure test.
(c) Mechanical tests are to be taken in
accordance with the requirements of
the applicable specification and in all
cases are to include at least one tensile
test specimen.
(d) Hardness tests are to be carried out at
various positions on the castings and
compared with the hardness value of
the corresponding tensile test
(e) Representative photomicrographs ,etched and unetched,
at x100 magnification prepared from
the separately cast test samples.
(f) One typical casting is to be tested for
internal soundness either by breaking
up with a hammer or falling weight or
by sectioning by sawing. Photographs
of the casting and of the surfaces of the
fractured or sawn sections are to be
included in the report. Where possible
a casting which has been rejected for
dimensional inaccuracies or for other
reasons should be used for this
purpose. Alternatively, suitable
volumetric non- destructive
examination may be used.

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